HGH Clinic Los Angeles CA


When a child hits adolescence, their human growth hormones (HGH) kicks into overdrive. This is why children go through such rapid growth in their teens. When the teen reaches the age of 15, that high production of HGH begins to decrease. As a doctor from an HGH clinic in Los Angles, California can explain, this decrease continues into adulthood.

There are certain medical conditions that can affect how much HGH our bodies produce. In children, Prader-Willi Syndrome and Turner syndrome can cause a deficiency of human growth hormone. Diet can also affect production, as can sleep. A person who does not get enough sleep may not produce enough HGH. In fact, studies show that a person who gets enough sleep each night produces about six times more human growth hormone than a person who has poor sleep habits.

At our Los Angles, CA HGH clinic, our doctors know that victims who have suffered head traumas that caused damage to the pituitary gland can affect the production of human grown hormone levels.

Benefits of HGH Therapy?

When the body lacks human growth hormones, serious health issues can occur. It is critical to correct these low levels in order to address the health issues. Exercise and dieting alone will give the best results. Working with a Los Angles, CA HGH clinic to replenish HGH levels can give you those best results.

As our bodies age, we tend to lose muscle mass but gain body fat. This is exacerbated if our HGH levels are low. But HGH therapy can help reverse this. In fact, in one study, participants who received HGH therapy experienced a 5 percent reduction in body fat and a 5 percent increase in muscle and other lean body mass.

Another downside of low HGH levels and aging is the loss of strength many of us experience. However, HGH therapy can also help regain that strength – up to a 20 percent improvement in their maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise.

A doctor at a Los Angeles, CA HGH clinic also works with patients who suffer from elevated cholesterol levels. This is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease, especially in older men. Lower HGH levels can cause a deterioration in overall health. HGH therapy can help lower these cholesterol levels, helping reduce the patient’s risk of heart disease. It can also help reduce fatigue.

Are Their Risks Involved in HGH Therapy?

Because there can be side effects and some risks with HGH therapy – just like there is with any medication – it is critical for a person considering therapy to work with an experienced doctor from an HGH clinic in Los Angeles, CA who can watch and handle any issues that might arise. Some of these issues include:

  • Acromegaly
  • Arthralgia (joint pain)
  • Cardiovascular damage
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Edema (swelling)
  • Gynecomastia (men)
  • Headaches
  • Increased insulin resistance
  • Myalgia (muscle pain)

HGH therapy at our HGH clinic in Los Angeles, CA is a common treatment we offer here at MetroMD. HGH, or Human Growth Hormone, is naturally produced by the body and as we age this production begins to slow down. This can be a serious problem in adults when their bodies stop naturally producing enough growth hormone a variety of factors can begin to affect their health and lifestyles. These effects can range from lower levels of energy or libido, metabolic issues, and a loss of hair and/or muscle mass. HGH therapy is employed for countering the troubling effects of AGH. In the simplest of descriptions, HGH therapy utilizes injections that replace the growth hormones the body is not producing.

Even a low dosage of HGH can have a very positive and noticeable effect. A person might become much more mentally alert while also experiencing a significant loss in body fat. Once a patient has been deemed qualified for HGH treatment, a doctor will prescribe HGH injections and these injections, commonly, are to be administered on a daily basis. Periodically, the patient must see the doctor in order to have blood work done. The blood tests will reveal new information about the HGH levels in the person’s body.

HGH has many benefits. Below is a 3-month breakdown of how HGH affects patients. HGH stimulates the patient’s own pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors that increase the production and secretion of HGH.

First Month:                                                   

  • Weight Loss
  • Vivid Dreams
  • Better sounder sleep
  • Improved Stamina
  • Optimistic Attitude

Second Month:

  • Improved Muscle Tone
  • Increased Strength
  • Improved Skin Tone
  • Improved Nail Growth
  • Better Digestion
  • Weight Loss and Body Fat Reduction
  • Improved Vision
  • Enhanced Sexual Function

Third Month:

  • Improved Mental Processes
  • Enhanced Productivity
  • Faster Wound Healing
  • Hair Re-Growth
  • Increased Libido
  • Increased Muscle Size
  • Faster Recovery from Muscle Soreness
  • Reduced PMS Symptoms
  • More Flexibility and Mobility

Like any other medical procedure, HGH therapy has risks and side effects, but ultimately, it is safe when used as prescribed. When administered by a qualified doctor, your doses will be monitored and the entire process will be supervised and analyzed to maximize results and minimize side effects.

Some of the Most Common Frequently Asked Questions

When you want to learn more about HGH, you likely have questions. You’ve come to the right place! At our HGH clinic in Los Angeles, California, we have answers for you. Below, you will find more information regarding frequently asked questions about HGH therapy. 

What is the best way to find an HGH therapist who is right for you? 

When it comes to finding the right HGH clinic in Los Angeles, you want to make sure it is a clinic that has your best interest in mind. It can be difficult to find the right clinic for you because you want to ensure you are getting the best treatment. It is always important to consider factors such as experience, credibility, licensing, and reviews from friends and family when you are looking at different clinics. 

There seem to be different dosages for HGH therapy. How do I know what to take?

This is important because you want to make sure you are working on the dosage with your doctor. You should never try to attempt and figure out the dosage amount on your own because your doctor will understand the right amount that is specific to your needs. Everyone’s bodies are different because their lifestyles are different. Consult with the doctor at an HGH clinic Los Angeles, CA patients trust.

Are there different types of HGH injections?

There are. When it comes to the type of injection, your doctor will be able to walk you through the one that is right for you. For example, you will likely have heard of single-use, prefilled syringes that have interchangeable cartridges. 

What are the side effects of HGH therapy?

When you have any kind of medical treatment done, you want to ensure you understand the risks and side effects. While we are proponents of this kind of therapy, there are certain side effects you may expect to have.

Muscle or Joint Pain. This is a common side effect and you may experience slight discomfort when it comes to aches or stiffness in your muscles and joints. Most commonly, this kind of discomfort lasts during the treatment process and does not typically continue after your treatment is resolved.

Swelling. The swelling of your extremities is also common and not cause for alarm. You may notice that it begins to reduce during your treatment and even resolves completely.

Enlarged Breasts. It is possible that patients may experience breast enlargement during their treatment as there is a change in lean body mass.

Can you lose weight when you go to an HGH clinic in Los Angeles, CA?

When you are going down the path of losing weight, your first thought is likely not HGH therapy. Instead, you have probably succumbed to many different fad diets, worked hard at working out or even tried starving yourself. While working out as one of the greatest ways you can safely lose weight, you want to ensure your methods of weight loss are safe and are doctor-approved. So, is it possible for HGH therapy to help with weight loss?

Hormonal Imbalances

For many people, one of the biggest struggles when it comes to losing weight is the fact that they are having hormonal imbalances. This means that instead of being able to lose weight successfully because they are eating the right things or working out, they still are not seeing the weight results they were hoping for. For both men and women, one of the largest problems is an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. Men and women both have different levels of estrogen and testosterone. However, when estrogen is too dominant, it may lead to weight gain that the testosterone is unable to keep up with. It is possible that when your hormones trigger a decline in your metabolism you can use HGH therapy to trigger your metabolism and encourage your body to work off excess fat accumulation.

Can I get HCG injections? Is that the same thing?

Although they sound similar, HCG injections and HGH shots are not the same things. When you get HCG injections, there is a very specific diet you should follow. However, with HGH therapy, your metabolism is stimulated encouraging you to burn off extra calories. Unlike HCG, it does not tell your brain you are no longer hungry. 

Does everyone lose weight with HGH injections?

HGH injections are not typically given to patients for the sole reason of losing weight. Instead, you should be coming to HGH therapy for a valid medical concern, such as poor sleep or low libido. While weight loss can be a serious medical concern, it is not the primary focus of HGH therapy and is often a happy side effect. 

If you are interested to see how HGH therapy in Los Angeles can help you with hormonal concerns and how it could affect your weight loss journey, please contact us now. 

If you have any more questions regarding HGH therapy, please call our Los Angeles, California HGH clinic today. Upon receiving HGH therapy, patients report feeling younger, healthier, and more energized. While other treatments can rejuvenate your appearance, nothing provides the same health benefits as the hormones that are meant to exist naturally in your body. Contact an HGH Clinic Los Angeles CA residents recommend to learn more about HGH therapy and see if it’s a good fit for you.