Meniscus tears have always been extremely difficult to treat. Sometimes the tear is so small surgical methods cannot be used and sometime surgical methods are too invasive. Meniscus injury treated with surgery also sometimes has many problems that occur later down the road, like arthritis. However, today we have a new solution to meniscus injuries and that is amniotic stem cell injections.
Meniscus Tear Injury can Be Treated with Amniotic Stem Cell Injections. Taking stem cells from amnions and then applying them to the meniscus tear can stimulate repair and regrowth of the meniscus tissue. Physicians at MetroMD place amniotic stem cells into the meniscus using ultrasound guidance. These cells are directly placed to the site to stimulate healing and regrowth.
After the cells are injected the meniscus starts to heal to its normal anatomy. This is the best way to repair a meniscus injury in the 21st century. Meniscus Tear Injury can Be Treated with Amniotic Stem Cell Injections and at huge success at MetroMD, Los Angeles.