The VI Peel is a new and exclusive treatment we are now offering here at MetroMD. This peel is perfect for clearing up acne, reducing brown pigment and redness in the skin as well as helping to tighten the skin. This treatment is very quick and can be done in as little as 30 minutes.
The VI peel is a chemical peel and works by applying a chemical solution to the skin this causes the skin to dry up and eventually peel. This process of peeling removes old/dead skin and allows for the production of new skin cells. This treatment does require some downtime typically this is about 7-10 days. During this period the skin begins to dry and peel by day 3 or so, by day 5 most of the skin should be peeled off and by day 7 new skin starts to grow. The downtime can vary for patients but is no longer than 2 weeks.
The VI peel is unique because it can be tailored to the patient’s request. The peel can be formulated to target acne and bacteria or formulated for more of a skin tightening experience. The VI peel can be done every 4-6 weeks depending on your ability to heal during the downtime and condition of your skin.
If you have any questions regarding the VI peel or think it might be the right treatment for you give us a call at 323-285-5300. We can answer any questions you have regarding this treatment!